About me

Hello my name is Lucy Ellis and I am a fully qualified and insured Reflexologist based in Yarmouth in the Isle of Wight.

I have always had a keen interest in well-being, ever since I trained as a massage therapist over 25 years ago. This gave me a wonderful skill and the realisation of how important connection and therapeutic touch is to a person’s well-being. I initially intended to travel and work abroad with my therapy skills, although my plans changed when I met my husband at university and had two children.

My first experience of Reflexology was in 2002, when I was pregnant with my first child. The therapy had been recommended to help me relax before labour and I remember being impressed with the skill of the Reflexologist and so relaxed during and after the treatment.

Over the years I have explored several therapies, including massage, bach flower remedies, acupuncture, reiki, crystal healing, hopi ear candling, pulsing, animal healing, nutrition and reflexology.

I have seen that a therapy is a way of accessing a client’s own healing abilities; a tool to support the person as their body re-balances and heals itself. My focus is on healing through Reflexology, which I am passionate about sharing with others. I also incorporate my knowledge and skills from the other therapies I have trained in.

Having worked in a hospice and as a nurse in the NHS, firstly on a surgical ward and then in a day unit, I witnessed the importance and power of connection. People need to be seen, heard and supported, whether it is due to a chronic health condition, a new diagnosis, ongoing stress or just to feel uplifted.

I believe that finding the right therapist is as important as the therapy. My philosophy is to be mentally and emotionally present for my clients during every treatment, and to give a deeply relaxing and rebalancing experience.

Reflexology Qualifications:

  • Reflexology, ITEC level 3 diploma (Merit), London School of Reflexology
  • Level 3 Healthy Eating and Nutrition, London School of Reflexology

CPD Courses:

  • Spinal Reflexology, London School of Reflexology
  • Hand Reflexology, London School of Reflexology
  • Facial Reflexology and Advanced Facial Reflexology Bergman Method
  • Zone Face Lift, Bergman Method
  • Facial Cupping, Bergman Method
  • Reflexology for Menopause, Sally Earlam

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