Advanced Facial Reflexology (50 minutes £50)

This treatment, developed by award winning Reflexologist Ziggie Bergman is a non-invasive therapy focusing on the reflexes of the face. It works in a similar way to a foot Reflexology treatment, including relaxing massage with facial reflexology techniques.

The benefits include relaxation, reducing stress and tension in the face and neck. It also encourages lymphatic drainage, leaving you with a healthy glow to your skin.

Zone Face Lift (75 minutes £65)

“Naturally lifts your face and Spirit” — Ziggie Bergman

Zone facelift can be used as part of a 12 week aging well programme, but can also be booked as a single treatment. It includes facial massage, reflexology and uses specialist tools and crystals.


Benefits: Naturally stimulates collagen and elastin, it also helps to release emotions held in the face. Plus it is blissfully relaxing!

Facial Cupping (50 minutes £50)

Ziggie Bergman

Facial Cupping Is a deeply relaxing treatment for the face, neck and upper chest. The face is cleansed with a hot towel and a cleanser. Oil is then applied to the skin before the cupping sequence begins. By squeezing the cup as it is placed on the face and then releasing, it forms a gentle suction to the skin. Static cupping movements are followed by smooth, sweeping gliding sequences over specific reflexes of the face. At the end of the treatment, any excess oil is removed using another hot towel, leaving the skin with a healthy glow.


Benefits: stimulates collagen and elastin, deeply relaxing, reduces stress and tension in the face.

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